How to Get the Next “Twilight” Directing Gig

Direct a really scary vampire flick and a disturbing little drama about Internet predators, that’s what you do. Having crossed off Drew Barrymore’s name from the list, Cinematical reports the powers behind the Twilight franchise have handed the third movie, Eclipse, over to David Slade, the filmmaker who gave us 30 Days of Night and Hard Candy. OK, I get the vampire bit, although I’m sure the Cullen family won’t be ripping apart all the humans they can find, leaving them bleeding all over the nice, clean snow. That’s a 30 Days of Night image I’d like to forget.

And Bella probably won’t be tying Edward up, threatening to cut off his private parts, as in Hard Candy.

No, I’m sure Slade will handle the continuing tween vampire romance with a delicate hand — but I am curious to see what he does with the subject matter. Maybe just a little blood?