How to Pay Tribute: Patrick Swayze

PatrickSwayzeRETNA_468x666It’s always sad when someone you’ve grown up with onscreen passes. John Hughes hit me pretty hard — and now Patrick Swayze. I feel awful, mainly because he put on such a brave face while battling one of the nastier cancers around. Pancreatic cancer killed my grandfather, too. It’s a shitty way to go, that’s for damn sure.

It’s also amazing how Swayze handled it, working until the very end. What a guy. So, I am compelled to list just a few of my favorite Swayze moments.

1. His Chippendale’s performance with Chris Farley on SNL, hands down one of the top 10 best skits on that show EVER:

2. The “nobody puts Baby in a corner” scene from Dirty Dancing. Natch:

3. Pretty much any scene from Ghost, but this is a good one. Penny for your thoughts?:

4. Ah, my favorite cult classic with Keanu Reeves AND Patrick Swayze:

5. And then there’s the movie that started it all for Patrick, The Outsiders. Here’s the rumble scene:

So long, Pat. Rest in peace.