How to Save Bees

Remember Jerry Seinfeld’s Bee Movie, which showed what would happen if all the bees went on strike? All the greenery died and the world looked like a wasteland. Sure, that was make believe, but the reality isn’t too far off the mark. If the bee population were to disappear completely, we’d be in a world of hurt.

Unfortunately, it’s happening. Colony Collapse Disorder is very serious problem affecting the worldwide honeybee population, particularly in North America, since 2006, in which worker bees, the ones who actively go out and pollinate, are vanishing.

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The documentary Save the Queen investigates the causes of CCD (pesticides is a big factor), as well as its effects on both the honeybee and native bee species. Producers Ashley J. Hillard and Cameron Tucker have gone out into the field, interviewing a variety of bee keepers, bee relocation specialists, presidents of bee keeper associations, staff at the National Resources Defense Council and professors at UC Davis, including Dr. Eric Mussen, Dr. Neal Williams and Professor Lynn Kimsey, among others.

Save the Queen is still in production but is shaping up to be an eye-opening look at the world of bees and how important they are to the ecosystem. Stay tuned for more info or visit the official website!