How Locke Is “Lost”

LOST! God, I really do love this show — and last night’s episode “The Man with the Plan” was a doozy — focusing on the dead John Locke (who finally got his final resting place six feet under), the Smokey Monster/Fake Locke (who has to be the Cain in the Cain and Abel story), and what EW’s Jeff Jensen calls the “Sideways” Locke, or the Locke living in that alternate reality in which he’s with Helen, he gets fired, gets a break from self-assured Hurley and ends up substitute teaching and meeting, of all people, a nerdy Ben! Read Jensen’s complete recap here.

I think there’s a definite good vs. evil thing going on, a la Stephen King’s The Stand. We already know Lost creators Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof love, LOVE King (and he returns the favor), so it makes sense they are setting something similar up. I’m just wondering how and when the Sideways world and the Lostie world will collide.

Posted in TV