How to Comic-Con: “Wild Things” Let Loose

where-the-wild-things-are-07Again, if I could only be there … but alas, I have to live vicariously through others enjoying sneak peeks at Comic-Con, especially footage from Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are, an adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s beloved children’s book. At a panel with director Jonze, here’s what had to say about it.

My son’s name is Max and when he was a little guy, we read this book until it was worn out. He rumpused with the fierce monsters and declared himself the “King of all Wild Things,” being able to recite the entire book without really knowing how to read. He’s 16 now, and driving, but I remember his obsession with the book. So when I heard Spike Jonze — the same guy who gave us Being John Malkovich and Adaptation — was helming this big-screen treatment, I got excited. I thought to myself, “Jonze could really do something with this.” I guess I was right. Check out the trailer, for the first or 10th time: