How to Find the “Alien” Prequel a Director

alien_from_the_movieMake Ridley Scott do it … PLEASE!

By now we’ve all heard that there is indeed an Alien prequel in the works over at Fox, with brothers Tony and Ridley Scott’s production company Scott Free heading the charge. Tony confirmed relative unknown Carl Rinsch was attached to direct the film, but Fox wants Ridley to return to his Alien roots and helm the prequel, Sci-Fi Scoop reports.

I’d feel the same way. I mean, if you are really going to do yet another Alien and move past those two ridiculous Alien vs. Predator movies, then you’ve got to get the man who created the vision back on board. Period. But Tony Scott is not giving away anything at this point. While promoting his movie Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, he told

“I’m going to call a time out on that one. I don’t want to get caught in the middle. We’re in process on that, but I don’t have enough information to bring it to this table, but we’re going to make it.”

OK, we’ll give him some slack — for now. And while I was checking around for an Alien film clip, I came across some YouTuber’s theory on where that original alien spacecraft may have come from, the one that sends the distress signal to the Nostromo and sends its crew members to their doom:

Sigh. It’s just more Predator BS. Let’s just keep these two apart for awhile, shall we?