How to Cheat Death

Verrrry carefully. For some apparent reason unknown even to myself, I sort of dig the Final Destination movies. I think I’m fascinated by all the different ways there is to kill a large group of people. The first FD was a plane crash; the second, a horrific car pileup; the third, and by far my favorite, a roller coaster ride gone terribly awry. And now we have a fourth Final Destination, in which it looks like a bunch of people get killed at a car race — in 3D, no less. Check out the trailer:

Of course, the plot of the movies has the hero or heroine have a premonition right before this mass death, get his or her friends out of harm’s way, and then have to figure out how to outmanuever Death when he comes back for them, pissed off that they cheated their way out of it the first time. “Who the hell keeps tipping these kids off, dammit!”, Death might be screaming. He then has to kill them one by one in highly inventive ways. Death is not a nice fellow — but he can be very clever.